Bqool is one of the best repricing tools we have come across.  It has a range of state of the art AI features and is reasonably priced for entry level all the way through to advanced sellers. Below we discuss some of the best features of Bqool and why we recommend it. 

In depth review of Bqool


  • Repricers are a must for Amazon sellers.  They are worth their weight in gold especially for arbitrage sellers.
  • Bqool has a number of advanced features for repricing.  Its technology harnesses AI and allows rule based and conditional repricing. 
  • One drawback is its inability to utiltise repricing for private label products.  These are products that have no competition in the buy box. 
  • Bqool has a number of other useful dashboards and inventory report features we like

Why use a Repricer?

If you’re an arbitrage seller and you are competing for the buy box it’s close to impossible to adjust pricing fast enough to compete and balance profit and sales.  Repricers utilise AI and other pricing rules to allow real time changes to either maximize sales or profit.  

While Repricers do cost money, they will more than likely pay for themselves many times over.  As they will both save you time and provide a better result then manually updating your own listings.  

They also allow you to set railguards such as minimum and maximum prices to ensure that you minimise pricing mistakes.  

Repricers like Bqool also allow you insight into the pricing marketplace so that you can more easily review where your pricing sits and allow you to make better decisions.  The below screenshot from Bqool allows us to see our product’s price vs the other 4 competitor pricing in the marketplace.  We can see how far above the buy box we are

Bqool repricer
Buy box insights like these allow us to adjust out repricing settings and grab more buy box time

Bqool’s Repricing Technology

Bqool has a number of great features in their repricing toolkit.  Firstly they utilise AI technology and allow you to select a strategy for each ASIN based on your goals.  The below screenshot shows the premade AI strategies you can select from: 

Bqool features

Bqool also has other more customized rule based strategies where you can more freely adjust the parameters based on your ASIN goals. 

However where Bqool really shines above competitors is with it’s conditional repricing tool.  This tool allows you to utilize different AI repricing strategies at different times based on your own customized rules.  For example, I can setup a rule based on the age of my inventory which would look something like: 

IF my Inventory age is greater than 30 days, THEN switch the AI repricing strategy to maximize sales & Drop minimum price by 10%. 

BUT IF my Inventory age is less than 30 days THEN switch the AI repricing strategy to maximize sales and keep minimum price at 20% profit margin.

The above is a simple example.  In a real world example we could build this out to have multiple IF statements that use different strategies based on different conditions.  These can be built out without using code.

The below screenshot shows how this could look for an inventory age based rule.

Bqool inventory aged repricing


Unfortunately at this point in time, one of the drawbacks of Bqool is the fact that all the repricing rules are based on buy signals.  This is very useful when competitors are bidding on the buy box, however in a case where you have no competitors, such as a private label product, the repricing rules will not work. 

This is true even if you want to build rules around sales volume.  Sales volume is not affected by the buy box, yet the repricing rules will still not trigger if there were no competitors in the buy box. 

Other great features of Bqool

Bqool’s main power is it’s repricing tools.  However it has some other really useful features as well.  This includes: 

Advanced filtering: Bqool allows you to use sophisticated filters to see different aspects of your products.  For example you can filter products that have not been in the buy box, or have low margins, or low sales volume.   Below are examples of just some of my favorite filters: 

Bqool-advance filtering

Competitor Analysis: We discussed this above, bqool allows you to see all competitor pricing for a specific ASIN. 

Bqool competitor analysis

Pricing history: Bqool also allows us to review pricing history every few minutes.  This helps you keep track of whether a pricing strategy is working or not

Bqool Pricing History

Dashboards & Reporting: Bqool has a number of advanced reports that allow you to keep track of daily sales and also filter these down by product as well as repricing strategy.  This allows you to keep track of which repricing strategies have the best outcomes for you. 

BQool Reporting




Mark Myerson

User friendliness



Value for money



When it comes to repricing you should be using a repricing tool.  Bqool is one of the best options out there.  Its strongest feature is its conditional repricing tool which takes repricing customization to a new level and for many businesses is crucial.  The one downside with bqool is its inability to reprice listings for private label sellers.   So if you are a heavy private label seller then bqool might not be for you, but for all other sellers, it’s a must.


For serious Amazon sellers using a repricing tool is a must.  If you haven’t come across the concept of repricing, it won’t take long before you do.  Repricing software allows you to automate pricing changes based on a number of key signals in the market.  For example, you can use rerpricing tools like Bqool to automatically adjust your price to ensure you are competitively placed in the buy box. 

Reviewed by Mark Myerson

Last Updated 25 July, 2024

Bqool is one of the best repricing tools we have come across.  It has a range of state of the art AI features and is reasonably priced for entry level

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