Paid Advertising

It is complex to run a Paid Advertising campaign, as there can be a lot of moving parts.  The templates found here have been specifically designed to improve your Paid Advertising management and performance.  From dashboards to research and analysis documents, we have premium level templates brought to you at a fraction of the cost.  All of our resources are made by expert marketers with improving performance in mind. From Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads and most key platforms, we’ve got you covered.

Paid Advertising
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Paid Advertising FAQ

Paid advertising is a kind of online advertising — when someone clicks on or views your ad you pay the publisher. Common publishers include search engines, and social media platforms. Instead of trying to get attention organically from content and SEO, you can buy it. If you’re new to paid advertising, Google Ads is a great place to start. Take a look at our <a href=""comprehensive Google Ads course.

With pay-per click (PPC) advertising you pay the publisher when someone clicks on one of your ads. Pay-per-impression (PPM) on the other hand costs you money every time someone sees one of your ads. Think of it as paying for engagement vs paying for eyeballs on your ads. Which one you use depends on your circumstances. For example, if you have a clear CTA, PPC is better. But PPM is better if your goal is to increase brand awareness.

Paid advertising has some appealing benefits. For example, compared to organic SEO, results are quicker with paid advertising. You boost your site’s traffic but it isn’t a long process like SEO. Another benefit is that paid advertising allows you to target specific potential customers. So you can get your ads in front of people who are more likely to make a purchase.

Like with other means of digital marketing, the speed at which you’ll get results will vary on a number of factors, some within your control, and some outside. It will likely take some months to test and find out which campaigns work for you, so you can adjust accordingly. And, the more you are willing to spend, the quicker you’ll see results.

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