5 Things Small Business Owners Need To Start A Business

Key Points

    • Develop a business plan to outline your business objectives, strategies, and financial projections.

    • Choose a suitable business structure that provides the right operational and financial flexibility.

    • Secure reliable funding by identifying your capital needs and exploring various funding options like personal savings, loans, investors, and crowdfunding.

    • Establish a strong brand identity in order to differentiate your business in the marketplace.

    • Implement an effective marketing strategy to fuel ongoing success and growth.

A coffee shop owner opening his store

Whether your start-up is firing on all cylinders or you just have the inklings of an idea, building a small business is exciting. However, it’s not for the faint-hearted, as you will need to overcome several problems and obstacles.

If you’re wondering what the five most essential things required to start your business and set it up for success are, you’re in the right place. Keep on reading to explore what all budding entrepreneurs need to start their businesses.

Develop a Business Plan

An entrepreneur whiteboarding their business plan.

A business plan is a detailed document that serves as a blueprint for a new business. It can contain numerous items but most importantly outlines the objectives and strategies needed to guide business owners and even potential investors.

It also describes how the business will operate, achieve its goals, and turn a profit. All in all, a well-structured business plan is critical for giving your new venture a direction.

What should your business plan include?

We have outlined the essentials below, but you can also find helpful business plan templates online, such as these ones provided by Hubspot.

Executive Summary

This section should be a brief overview of the business and will include a mission statement, an outline of your product/service offering, and any key objectives you have.

Despite its traditional placement at the top of your business plan, it is often the last item to be written.

Market/Competitor Analysis

This analysis is focused on your intended target market and should include consideration of the demographics of your ideal customer base, market demands, and the potential size of your target market.

Identifying key competitors, comparing your respective strengths and weaknesses, and noting opportunities and risks is an important part of an effective analysis.

Business Structure

Your business plan should clearly iterate how your company will be structured. This includes its legal structure, ownership, and the nature of the business, the industry, and the market in which your company will operate.

Products and Services

Your plan should include a detailed description of the products or services you will be offering, including an outline of the product/service lifecycle and required research and development.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

We will cover marketing strategies in more detail later, but suffice it here to say that your business plan should include an outline of the intended approach your business will take to attracting, converting, and retaining customers, including a sales strategy, pricing structure, and distribution channels.

Financial Forecasts

The financial section of the business plan should include revenue and profit projections, a break-even analysis, and other relevant financial ratios. If there are funding requirements, this is the section in which you should outline your intended strategy for acquiring the capital you will need.

Need a hand with finances and budgeting? Check out the Ultimate Budget Planner. It’s the perfect tool for planning, managing and tracking business expenditure.

Settle on a Business Structure

A group of professionals discussing different business structure options.

Selecting the right legal and business structure for your business might not seem like an important consideration upfront, but it can and will ensure you are protected from unnecessary exposure to liability risk, affect tax implications, and determine your operational flexibility – for better or worse.

There are a few structures you can consider.

Sole Proprietorship/Owner

This is the simplest and most inexpensive business structure. However, it does not offer personal liability protection.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

An LLC balances the benefits of both a corporation and a partnership or sole proprietorship. It provides adequate liability protection and tax flexibility for most small businesses.


A corporation is a formal legal entity that operates separately and distinctly from its owners (who are commonly referred to as shareholders). Corporations own their own assets and incur their own debt, which makes it right for growing businesses seeking investment.

Reliable and Secure Funding

Money is needed to get your business up and running.

Funding is, more often than not, the most significant hurdle for small businesses. When you are starting off on your business journey, it’s critical that you identify not just how much capital you need to get started but where you are getting it from as well.

So, what are the different funding options for small businesses?

  • Personal Savings – If you have enough of your own savings, you can self-fund your venture.
  • Loans – There are traditional bank loans and other sources of external finance options out there.
  • Investors – The world of venture capital and angel investing offers unique opportunities that were far less accessible in years gone by.
  • Crowdfunding – Online platforms, such as Kickstarter, are simple ways to market your idea and raise funds from potential customers.

If you would like to learn more about the different options available to secure reliable funding for your start-up, have a read of this breakdown from the Australian Investment Network to get started.

Establish a Brand Identity

A small business handing out promotional materials

Small businesses face the challenge of breaking into a competitive marketplace, making a name and gathering a customer base for themselves.

Creating a strong brand identity helps to differentiate your business and ensure you are memorable in the minds of potential customers/clients.

But what goes into a strong brand identity?

  • Choose a memorable and relevant business name.
  • Develop a professional-looking logo and a consistent visual colour and style scheme.
  • Start to invest the time and money in developing a digital presence, including a website and social media channels.

With a variety of tools available online, such as this Figma-based template, developing a bold and beautiful business brand yourself is easier than ever.

Implement a Marketing Strategy

A pair of young women handing out leaflets to promote a new business.

An effective marketing strategy should help you reach your target audience, build more brand awareness, and drive more sales and, therefore, profit.

Nevertheless, consider some or all of the following tactics as part of your strategy.

Digital Marketing

From search engine optimisation (SEO) to ensure your business is not just at the top of mind but at the top of search engine rankings to content marketing and social media, the world of digital marketing offers a ton of potential.

In fact, byMarketers has a range of SEO and website management templates to help take the guesswork out of your digital marketing strategies.

Attend Networking Opportunities

The more you are able to attend and participate in industry events, the more opportunities you will have to connect with other small business owners and leverage partnerships for mutual benefit.

Consider Customer Retaining Strategies

One of the unsung heroes of effective marketing strategies is customer retention, rather than just attracting new customers.

One of the unsung heroes of effective marketing strategies is customer retention, rather than just attracting new customers.

It’s important to regularly gather customer feedback and analyse customer data to understand your target market and further improve your offerings and appeal.

A Final Word…

As a small business owner, laying a strong foundation is important for your future commercial success.

With the right business plan, organizational structure, financial strategy, brand style, and marketing tactics, you will be ready to take your new business to the next level. And byMarketers will be right here to help you along the way.

Our online marketplace offers thousands of marketing resources to help you succeed. Why not check it out for yourself today?

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