Keyword Research

Rank higher up the SERPs and drive traffic to your websites with our range of keyword research templates. Keyword research helps you understand the words and phrases your potential customers are using when searching online. Without keyword research, it’s hard to plan your content marketing strategy, get a full picture of your customers' journey, or know what your competitors are doing.The keyword research resources on byMarketers give you the tools you need to get more visitors. And if you’ve ever made your own resources for keyword research, you can sell them on byMarketers by signing up and becoming a vendor

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Keyword Research
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Keyword Research FAQ

Keyword research is finding out what words and phrases people are searching for online. You can find out what words your potential customers are searching for when looking for products, services or information. Then you can use this information to inform your search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing.

There are 2 types of keywords you can research. The first is high-volume keywords. As the name suggests, they’re keywords that appear in a large number of searches. If you rank well for any high-volume keywords, your site will rank around the top of SERPs. One problem with high-volume keywords is that they’re generic, which can lead to fewer conversions and a higher bounce rate. The next type is long-tail keywords. Compared to high-volume keywords, they’are much more specific and appear in much fewer searches. The benefit of ranking well for long-tail keywords is that people searching for them are often further down the funnel. That means they’re more likely to make a purchase.

Yes! Keyword research is a critical part of SEO. Before creating content for your site, keyword research should be one of the first things you do. Getting people to your website relies on having a solid SEO strategy. And you can’t have one of those without keyword research. Take a look at our range of templates and resources for SEO.

Identifying the correct keywords is a key stage of your digital marketing efforts. Here’s how you can tell if your keywords are good or not. First, look at the search volume. If people are searching for the keyword, there’s some potential. But, remember if the search volume is too high, it might be hard for you to compete for top spot. Next, make sure the keyword aligns with your brand and goals. Finally, make sure you take into account search intent — not just what people search for, why they search for it. Without knowing why people are searching for that keyword, it’s tough to create content that they’ll need.

Knowing search intent is essential for creating digital marketing content that appeals to your target audience. There are 4 types of search intent you need to be aware of when you’re planning your keyword strategy. The first is informational intent when people are searching for information about something. Next is navigational intent. This is when people are searching for a specific website they want to visit. Next is transactional intent when people are ready to buy something. They already know what they want so they want to visit the product page. And finally is commercial investigating intent. This is when people are doing research about a potential purchase. You can include user intent trigger phrases with your keywords to more easily target the people looking for the kind of products and services you offer.

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