This Looker Studio dashboard has 5 full pages of visually stunning reports designed to help you get the most out of your essential GA4 data.
This template is great for those who may be struggling with basic reporting on the new platform, and for those in need of something more robust than GA4 Explorations have to offer.
Populate this report in two simple steps:
- View it as a Google authenticated user signed in with the Google credentials that also have GA4 access.
- Select your GA4 property from the data source dropdown located at the top of the report
- Data source selector
- Date range selector
- Five pages of reports:
- Topline Metrics
- Content / Pages
- Engagement / Events
- Campaigns
- Conversions
- 8 segmentation filters to facilitate your deep-dive into the data:
- City
- Country
- Device Category
- Page path
- Medium
- Source
- Campaign
- Audience Name
- Overview: Summary cards with metrics centric to Users, Sessions, and Pageviews.
- Acquisition: A daily breakdown of your user acquisition channels and accompanying drill-down data tables.
- Geo: An interactive map and drill-down data table, which enables you to see where your visitors are coming from at the Country, Region and City level.
- Technology: A representation of the devices, operating systems and web browsers used by your visitors.
- Top Pages: Your site’s pages, ordered from most to least viewed, paired with additional relevant metrics
- Top Landing Pages: Your site’s most common entry points
- Summary cards with totals for all Enhanced Measurement events, which are enabled in GA4 out of the box:
- Outgoing Link Clicks
- File Downloads
- Page Scrolls
- Site Searches
- Video Player Interactions
- Form Interactions
- An event explorer, which will allow you to see how any custom events you’ve configured are performing.
- More detailed reports for each of the Enhanced Measurement events listed above.
- A breakdown of your incoming traffic categorized by any campaign labels assigned via interaction with your marketing content.
- A similar breakdown for Audiences
- Aggregated and daily totals for all events labeled as conversions in GA4