SEO Templates

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a core function of successful digital marketing. An SEO strategy is focused on making your web pages rank higher in search engines through a variety of strategies and involves writing great content, answering search questions and intent, structuring the data of your page and site, and more. SEO analysis is critical to understanding your search marketing performance over time. Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio) can provide you with a full suite of valuable data points that allow you to identify top pages, click and impression trends, and keyword ranking all at a glance.

SEO Templates
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SEO Templates FAQ

While Excel is certainly a powerhouse, especially when it comes to formulas, Looker Studio has the upperhand with data exploration. It allows you to dig deeper into data points and set filters to isolate data. Plus, it makes for a better presentation than Excel.

Some SEO experts will look at their data daily or weekly to see what’s ranking, how pages are performing, and researching new opportunities for their team. Analyzing your data monthly should be sufficient. Remember to always compare to historical data so you can see whether your rankings, impressions, and clicks are trending in the right direction.

There are a dozen or more great SEO tools on the market, each with a specific strength. Some offer better insight into competitors or technical SEO needs. Others focus on research and rankings. Looker Studio sits in a sweet spot between great design and flexibility. You can make the report appear how you’d like while also connecting it to a variety of third-party platforms.

Google Search Console is free, and users can signup on the Search Console website. After you punch in your website, you have to verify that you own the site either with a Google Tag, a root file, or most common, the Google Analytics Tracking ID.

Yes you can, though you’ll have to connect to a platform that reports on that data like SEM Rush or AhRefs. While Google Search Console has some backlink data, it’s not robust nor available in Looker Studio.

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